Sleepy Morning Brain, and Finding Your Best Work Time — Daily Quote

Jo Hawk
Nov 18, 2020


The important thing is to write when your brain is at its best. Work edits or do outside reading with the rest of the day. Do

I have learned I am not a morning person. Early morning quiet, the new day’s stirrings, the first bird calls, the gradual coloration of the night’s black sky is my favorite time of day. I don’t attempt to string conscience thoughts into meaningful prose. It is too tortuous. Ideally, those early hours are best left to strong coffee and morning chores. It is also time for my morning characters meetings that are often melees of conversational snippets, random impressions, and implausible situations.

With morning chores done, I have a primed pump, and I can spend several hours writing, transcribing the morning’s words and ideas. I take a break, waiting for my second wind, sometime around 9 or 10 pm., and I work until midnight.

When is your best writing time?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer



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