Lately, I have felt controlled by external forces. Other people’s agendas supersede my plans, snarled traffic slows my progress, malfunctioning appliances waste precious time, and betrayed by the flu, I wonder if I am fighting a losing battle. I seem to confront a brick wall, no matter which way I turn. I could continue to bang my head against that dense and immovable obstacle, or I can find the key that will allow me to break free.
Walking amid chaos is stressful, but trying to resolve what we cannot control often makes matters worse. As difficult as it might be, sometimes we are better served by accepting the circumstances, and letting go. This doesn’t mean we like, condone, or approve of the situation; it just means we realize there is no workable method for changing things today. Instead of engaging in battles we cannot win, it may be more helpful to keep moving, manage our perceptions, adjust our outlook, and engage our sense of adventure.
Each morning a new day dawns with opportunities and choices. I opt to search for a fresh start, hoping for a breakthrough, I place my faith in my ability to preserve. I concentrate on deliberate actions and effective ways that will move me toward my goal.
How will you begin your week?
Keep on writing.
Jo Hawk The Writer