I keep hearing we should push past our limits, work harder, longer, smarter. Put in more extra hours, hustle at your day job, dedicate time to your side hustle, steal down-time hours to double down on the side hustle while you somehow manage to juggle a personal life, me-time and work-life balance.
The whole mess leaves me feeling anxious, frustrated, and exhausted. I have pushed myself trying to do my best, do it all and push beyond my limits. The result is I became more stressed and more anxious. My productivity fell, my enthusiasm evaporated, and I was cranky and irritable. Pushing past my limits drove me straight to burnout. And to what end?
Let me escape the programed fate of some device-driven, fully-optimized, maxed-out hustling artificially balanced being. Yes, sign me up for waking when I am rested, for rediscovering the joy of internalizing knowledge, and connecting with friends who help me see the best parts of being human.
Thanks for you insight Niklas