Happy Easter — Daily Quote

Jo Hawk
2 min readApr 12, 2020


The symbolic language of the crucifixion is the death of the old paradigm; resurrection is a leap into a whole new way of thi

“Happy Easter” seems so understated, anti-climactic, and wistful this year. The transition from sluggish winter to Spring exuberance is overshadowed by feelings of isolation, confusion, and grief. Everyone is struggling with the fallout from the virus. Data indications the spread is slowing, but nothing is certain. Humans are social, and in challenging times we come together for support. A practice that is contrary to scientific advice.

This time of year has a long tradition in surviving dark, difficult days. History tells us our ancestors face dwindling stores of food. Hunger was a reality to be survived until spring restored the land and provided new sources of sustenance. There is evidence of ancient civilizations holding vernal celebrations. The season of renewal seems premature. We link celebrations with overcoming adversity or reaching our goals. Yet we are still practicing safe social contact and are adjusting to new ways of thinking.

Family members have arranged watch parties. We coordinate online service attendance, apart and still together. Through Internet connections, we hold hands. Hope unites us and strengthens us. We honor the sacrifices, no matter how small, each of us makes every day, secure in the knowledge we will defeat the virus.

How will you celebrate today?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer



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