Finding the Will to Accomplish Your Writing Goals — Daily Quote

Jo Hawk
2 min readJun 4, 2020
There are days when I should be writing, and I am so tired that I can’t. And the fatigue also affects my emotions, making me

Who hasn’t experienced this feeling? It is difficult convincing myself to leave my bed. Like Nicola, my spirit is willing, but my body refuses to budge. Anger is my first response, and it often works. It helps me burn the blahs, and I force myself to move. If that doesn’t work, I go through my list of usual culprits. Am I drinking enough water? Are my iron levels low? Am I obsessively worrying over something which I can’t control? Do my meals and snacks contain too much junk food? Am I sleeping? Or do I have too many responsibilities?

My review showed three things conspiring against me and contributing to my lethargy. The first was worry and sadness. The second was a task list three people couldn’t accomplish. These two items combined to ensure I wasn’t getting a restful night’s repose. Identifying the root cause of my exhaustion is only the beginning. I shift responsibilities, and recognizing the futile nature of my apprehension, helps me to monitor and banish those thoughts. Exhaustion finally falls to the restorative balm of sweet sleep. The struggle begins anew with each dawn. The goal remains unchanged. I sit at my keyboard and will the words to flow.

How do you channel your will to write?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

