Believe Success Starts When You Change Your Mindset, Then Assemble Your Best Team and Begin — Daily Quote

Jo Hawk
1 min readAug 1, 2021


It starts with myself. I have to believe in myself and set expectations for myself, set goals for myself, and continue to work for those goals every day. Saquon Barkley

Today the calendar announces the start of a new month and a chance to begin again. There is no one looking over my shoulder, checking to make sure I finish my assignments and complete my goals. My successes and shortcomings rest on my shoulders. I am the boss, the worker bee, the strategic analyst, the creative director, the janitor, and the person who gets the morning coffee for the group.

I scheduled the team’s monthly review meeting, where we congratulated ourselves for hard-won victories, identify places where we fell short, and devise future strategies. We examine the numbers, agree on plan modifications, and narrow the month’s focus. We adjourn the meeting with a pep talk followed by high-fives. My hard-working administrative assistant stacks the various hats in the corner, and I get to work.

What goals have you set for yourself?


Keep on writing.

Jo Hawk The Writer

